This series is great and compact as usual, but to me it leaves a weird cliffhanger at the end. How can AC-12 sit with the fact that Osborne is still in charge? I also can't think of a reason why Osborne won't just simply disband AC-12 with his power. Also, why did Buckells refuse to testify against Chief Constable Osborne?? Isn't that safer?
最喜欢第4集。几乎各方面都讲到了,医患、公权、人心…而且,发现老公和我姐姐暧昧怎么办真的每个人的形象都很立体。 —— 冲着女主来看的,爱上男主! —— 最后几集好难过啊 —— 幸好结局是好的。最喜欢阿长那几集。